
William J Ralph

Be loud, be proud, be ready.

Be loud, be proud, be ready.

If you seek power over others, an uncompromising stance can be effective.

This absolutism is perpetuated by the media.

Better to focus on progress – on small steps forward – that allow us to grow together, rather than apart.

Widen the aperture:

This is a safe place, a sanctuary for open-minded discourse and meaningful progress.

Whether up, down, left, right, high, low, rich or poor matters not.

All are welcome, all are free to speak their minds.

Devil and Dunce

Poetry conveys my deeper feelings that don’t fit in linear language.

Most people are good people.

So why are we at war with each other?

I have no grievance with you, friend.

William & Megan James

Where to Start:

A few places to begin the Discussion.


A working worldview.

Written 2018 (updated continuously)


A rough outline of political thought.

Written 2021


A note about an abstract reality.

Written 2021

Talk Back:

Discourse is the cornerstone of Democracy

Be loud, be proud and be ready.